8 Ways to Kick Off the School Year with Vivi 

31 August 2023 | By viviedu

At the start of a new school year, school leaders, teachers and staff have an opportunity to set their expectations and the desired tone for the year. Embracing technology can be a pivotal way to engage students and create an inclusive and dynamic classroom atmosphere. In this blog post, we explore eight innovative ways teachers and school leaders can establish a sense of belonging and drive student engagement with Vivi.

1. Take Your Introductions to the Next Level  

Starting the year or term on a warm and welcoming note lays a foundation on which to build a positive rapport with students. Using Vivi’s screen-sharing feature, students can create and share an “About Me” presentation and present it to the class or small group without leaving their seats. This not only helps in getting to know your students better, but also encourages them to find common ground with their peers, fostering a sense of unity, while minimizing any anxiety that may come from presenting at the front of the class.

2. Help Students Stay on Track  

Incorporate helpful reminders to keep your students informed and on track. Vivi’s digital signage can be thought of as your interactive bulletin board. You can display important announcements, event details, and captivating visuals on classroom screens when they are not being used for active instruction, keeping your students informed and on track. In hallways, combine the digital signage capabilities with Vivi’s clocks and timers tool to aid student transitions between periods, as showcased by Community High School District 117.

3. Take a Post-Break Pulse Check   

See where your students left off on their learning at the start of the new term. Vivi makes this simple with interactive quizzes and polls that you can integrate into your lesson. Whether you’re checking for understanding or gauging opinions, these real-time check ins encourage active participation, making every student’s voice count.

4. Explore the World 

Don’t let the post-summer blues creep into your classroom. Break down the classroom walls by taking your students on virtual field trips. With Vivi, you can easily share videos and online resources, providing an immersive experience that enriches your curriculum without being stuck in the front of your room or behind a computer 

5. Encourage Collaboration  

Make it easy for students to work together, as a whole class or in small groups. Vivi facilitates collaborative learning by allowing up to four students to share their screen at a time, wirelessly from anywhere in the classroom. This feature has enabled the likes of Mentone Grammar to allow students and groups to show how they can solve a problem, while also enabling students to share their contribution to a larger project or generate robust conversations.

Encouraging teamwork through small-group discussions, brainstorming sessions, and co-authored presentations demonstrates how student’s input becomes valuable, fostering an inclusive environment where diversity thrives. 

6. Go Green 

Eliminate unnecessary worksheets and papers this school year by using digital alternatives. Vivi’s screenshot capabilities make it easy for students to capture, save, and annotate projected content on a Vivi-connected screen and reference at a later time. 

7. Drop the Dry Erase 

Save the hassle and expense of replenishing whiteboard supplies throughout the school year. With Vivi, students and educators can easily use Vivi’s Whiteboard feature to practice, show their work or model different ways to solve a problem. Students can quickly save multiple whiteboards to their computer or cloud with just a click of a button.

8. Prioritize Mental Health 

Prioritize students’ mental health this school year by using Vivi’s Headspace integration. This will help students not only transition back into the classroom after a fun-filled summer, but also learn focus and calming strategies to build healthy habits this school year.  

As we embark on another academic year, consider integrating Vivi into your teaching toolbox. Vivi’s dynamic features equip educators to create an immersive and inclusive classroom environment that caters to diverse learning styles and individual needs. From personal introductions and interactive quizzes to virtual field trips and inclusive collaboration, Vivi opens doors to innovative teaching methodologies that resonate with today’s digital-savvy students. 

See for yourself how Vivi helps build a connected classroom and school experience that students and teachers love; request a demo with a Vivi expert.