Projectors are better with Vivi

Winning Back-to-School Bingo means that your projectors, though valuable, have room for improvement.

Vivi helps classroom projectors reach their full potential by mitigating a wide variety of common limitations and expanding functionality. 

With a Vivi pilot, you’ll:

  • Evaluate Vivi in your environment, with your teachers, side-by-side with your existing technology.
  • Explore the full breadth of Vivi capabilities, from teacher and student screen sharing to school-wide digital signage, announcements, and emergency alerts.
  • Build internal support before making your purchase, so you can implement Vivi across your district with confidence.

And you can try it with your projectors for free!​

It just works.
Can't argue with that!​

Avi Z. | Director of Technology​
Caskey Torah Academy 

Request a Vivi Pilot