Experience Vivi in Your Classrooms

A Vivi Pilot lets you purchase with confidence.

Experience Vivi. Get buy-in. Build excitement.

A Vivi Pilot lets you experience Vivi in your environment while building buy-in and excitement for what Vivi can do. To get the most of a pilot, we recommend putting a Vivi in a variety of instructional spaces in a single building. We provide technical set-up support to ensure this step goes smoothly. Once the Vivi units are deployed, we provide live, virtual training for your teachers along with self-guided, level-based training for them to view on demand.

Throughout the pilot, we monitor adoption and use, providing additional support as needed.  Participating teachers are surveyed about their experience after a few weeks of use. This feedback is shared with your designated Pilot Team in a scheduled check-in call held approximately 6 weeks after kick-off. At this call, we discuss whether the success outcomes have been met and meet to discuss next steps. 

If desired, we can extend the pilot to a second site to gather additional feedback and build even more support for the solution across your district. While entirely optional, we find this to be extremely beneficial to the success of large-scale deployments. As always, our team is ready, willing, and able to provide additional support at any stage. Again, we'll connect at the end to determine what should happen next.

Sample timeline showing what will happen over the course of a 6-week pilot program with Vivi.

Get Started with Your Vivi Pilot

Spring is a great time for a pilot. Evaluate potential solutions before committing budget and resources for the upcoming school year.  

A Vivi Pilot gives you the chance to:

  • Evaluate Vivi in your environment, with your teachers, side-by-side with your existing technology. 
  • Explore the full breadth of Vivi capabilities, from teacher and student screen sharing to school-wide digital signage, announcements, and emergency alerts.
  • Build internal support before making your purchase, so you can implement Vivi across your district with confidence.

Request a meeting to discuss a Vivi Pilot today!

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s important to evaluate Vivi in enough classrooms and with enough teachers and students to get a sense of whether it will suit your needs. Our recommendation for a thorough Pilot is to put Vivi in every classroom in one school. If you are extending your pilot, you could expand to a second school building in the next phase. This will simplify deployment and implementation while providing sufficient teacher engagement to gauge adoption. We will discuss what this looks like for your organization in our first discovery call.

Additional Pilot Resources

Technical Set Up

Your step-by-step guide to setting up Vivi in your pilot environment.


Email templates to use when recruiting school principals and teachers to a pilot.


Level-based asynchronous training to help teachers advance their use of Vivi.