Vivi 2.2 enhances app and optimises Chromebook

4 December 2018 | By viviedu

With the release of Vivi 2.2, changes have been made to the App interface to give teachers added control over feature settings at an individual presenter level. These changes particularly benefit Vivi users in shared classrooms and prevent teachers from having to inherit settings from previous presenters.

Further to this, we have also optimized the Vivi Chromebook experience, improving performance on these popular machines and delivering on our commitment to be a truly cross-platform solution.

Read on, to discover all you need to know about the Vivi 2.2 release features:

New Display Settings Page in the Vivi App

In the Vivi App, we will now differentiate between the room and the display settings with a new DisplayDisplay Settings Page in the Vivi App Settings button, shown next to the Room Settings button on the main screen. The Display Settings button is greyed out until the teacher starts sharing their screen. 

Once the teacher begins screen sharing, they can click the Display Settings button and access the following options: 

These settings will default to off unless otherwise set in the Vivi Admin Portal by the administrator.

Updates to Privacy Mode

Our Privacy Mode feature is now an individual presenter setting, instead of a room setting and is located on the Display Settings page.Updates to Privacy Mode in the Vivi App

While presenting their screen, teachers can navigate to this page and toggle Privacy Mode on or off to disable their students’ ability to take screenshots of what they are presenting to the display.

Note that Privacy Mode will remain a setting in the Vivi Admin Portal and administrators will retain the ability to select a room default, which remains in place until a teacher updates it in their App. Administrators also have the option to lock the default option.


Chromebook Optimization

True to our mission of being a device agnostic, cross-platform solution we have optimized Vivi for Chromebooks to give teachers and their students an enhanced experience. 

Improvements have been made to deliver performance comparable to Vivi on other platforms while comparable or, in many situations superior, to our competitors’ solutions. These include:

These enhancements also allow us to increase support for legacy Chromebooks.

Room Code Overlays

This feature has been developed to prevent teachers being locked out of Vivi should they enter a room with Room Codes enabled, and the previous presenter has left without disconnecting their Screen Sharing or stopping their Video Direct playback.

When a teacher opens the App and attempts to connect to a room which is already in use by another presenter who has left, the Room Code will now appear on the bottom left corner of the display.

The teacher is then able to enter the Room Code into their Vivi App and take control of the room.  

Room Code Overlays